
  1. Basic Training
  2. Advanced Training

Basic Surgical Training (BST) Program and the e-Training Management System

The launch of the Basic Surgical Training (BST) program and the e-Training Management System in the year 2020 has marked the initial step in revolutionising and uniting the paths in postgraduate training for junior surgeons in Malaysia. BST program, which takes no less than 2 years following the completion of housemanship, is under the auspices of the Academy of Medicine and The College of Surgeons of Malaysia. The development of the e-Training Management System enables trainees and trainers to capture learning, training and feedback via a variety of web-based assessment tools, including workplace-based assessments (WBAs), elogbook, etc. For trainees and trainers of the basic surgical training program (or those interested to be a trainee or trainer), please ‘click’ the link below to access the e-Training Management system.

Advanced Surgical Training

this section is for prospective and current trainees to obtain relevant and updated information in post graduate surgical training in Malaysia.

Master in Surgery (UKM, UM, USM)

Master in Surgery is a structured training programme of 4 years duration.

The general objectives of the Master programmes are:

  • To produce competent and safe general surgeon
  • Are capable of managing common surgical emergencies and elective surgery independently
  • Are compassionate and guided by ethical principles in decision-making
  • Can recognise their limitations and will seek proper consultation
  • Are capable of developing their interest and further training in surgical subspecialities
  • Demonstrate leadership skills in managing the surgical team and services
  • Are capable of advancing the practice of surgery through research, audit and scientific writing
  • Demonstrate critical analytical thinking and also be innovative in approaching common and rare clinical situation
The three local universities offering the Master in Surgery programme are:
  • University Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • University of Malaya
  • University Science of Malaysia
Academic Requirements for eligibility to appear for Final Examination:
  • Candidates must have satisfactory report from supervisors.
  • Completed Case write-ups
  • Completed Dissertation/Research Project
  • Completed log book and skill entry


Fellowship of the Royal Colleges

Surgical training in the United Kingdom is divided into two parts:-

  1. Basic Surgical Training
  2. Higher Surgical Training
Basic Surgical Training

This can begin immediately after intership/ housemanship.
  • Minimum of 2 years
  • Consisting of at least four periods of six month, within posts approved by the Colleges.
  • 6 months (General Surgery).
  • 6 months (Orthopaedic).
  • Must attend a course in Basic Surgical Skills.
  • ATLS and course in Critical Care recommended.
  • Receive a diploma & MRCS
Higher Surgical Training

Training takes place in one of specialities of Surgery .i.e.
  • General Surgery
  • Orthopaedic
  • Urology
  • Cardiothoracic
  • ENT
During this period the trainee receives experience in the specialty in posts accredited by the Joint Committee in Higher Surgical Training.At the end of 4 years, the trainee appears for an Intercollegiate Examination in the Specialty.

Surgical Skills Training

The Surgical Skills training available at the College of Surgeons, Malaysia are:

  1. Basic Surgical Skills Course(BSSC)
  2. Basic Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
  3. Advanced Laparoscopic Skills Training Course
  4. Basic GI Workshop
  5. Advanced GI Workshop
  6. Endoscopy Course



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International Surgical Week
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Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Course
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