Educational Fund and Traveling Fellowships


Each year the College of Surgeons awards a maximum of 10 educational grants from the Educational Fund and 2 Traveling Fellowships.


The Educational Fund grants at present are made available to all members and associate members of the College for the following purposes:

  1. All Surgical Trainees and Presenters of papers at the College Annual Scientific Meeting - registration fee will be paid by the College.
  2. All Ethicon Finalists at the College Annual Scientific Meeting -
    Full Sponsorship will be borne by the College (registration fees, accommodation and air fair)
  3. All members whose paper is accepted for presentation at a Regional or International Conference - Only registration fee will be paid from the Educational grant
The applicant must submit the following in support of his application:
  1. A one page, double spaced abstract on the paper for oral or poster presentation and a letter of acceptance from the relevant Conference Organizers.
  2. A curriculum Vitae.
  3. A letter describing how attendance will benefit the applicant, and
  4. A paragraph from the applicant outlining why he/she wants to attend.


The Traveling fellowship is awarded to Fellows/Surgeons to interact with peers from across the country for the purpose of lectures or hands on operating sessions. It will provide an opportunity to meet and gain insight from highly regarded local experts who will share their experience in formal and informal settings.

Only 2 Traveling Fellowships will be awarded each year and the maximum amount to be given to each Traveling Fellow will be RM 4000.00. The Council of the College of Surgeons will decide the appropriate amount depending on the itinerary of the Traveling Fellow. The duration of the traveling fellowship shall be for a maximum of 4 days. The traveling fellowship will cover the air fare, hotel accommodation, daily allowance of RM 250 per day.

  1. All applicants must be a member or associate member of the College.
  2. All applications for funding must be submitted to the College at least 2 months before the event is held.
  3. Economy air fare or first class train fare is provided. However, if the member chooses to travel by car, the reimbursement shall not exceed that of an economy air fare.
  4. No secretarial expenses will be entertained.
  5. Applications for sponsorship to attend conferences will not be entertained by the College.
  6. Decisions on the Educational Fund/ Traveling Fellowship will be made by the Council of the College and are final.
(Educ Trav Fellowship Revised 7.8.02)


In line with the aims of the College of Surgeons, Academy of Medicine Malaysia,(CSAMM) to support surgical training and education a policy of subsidizing members who present papers at local and international meetings is presented here. This is done to encourage our doctors to undertake research and present their work at these meetings. As the costs of attending these meetings is high a subsidy can help reduce the financial burden of some of these doctors.

Click here for full details and application form

13-15 Jun 2025
51st ASC of the College of Surgeons

Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient (CCrISP®) Course 2024
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Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Course
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